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Writer Notes
I wrote this for my great-grand-niece's wedding. Not sure which is the best. I'm just tossing things around to get some ideas.
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Wedding Blessing
By: dad
Tradition has it that man or woman, before engaging in any
great or important undertaking should always invoke the
blessing of deity.
In keeping with that tradition I invite you all to join
with me in asking for a blessing for Taylor and Dave as they
begin their journey into the future as husband, wife, mother,
and father.
Dear Heavenly Father we ask for your guidance to shine down on
this union and light the way for Taylor and Dave; that they
may walk in your light and someday come to know the beauty of
your holiness. We ask, Lord, that the strength of their love
and your guidance will see them through the stormy seas of
Life. Let them always have peace and love in their hearts and
let all the work thus begun in your name continue to thy glory
and ever more establish our obedience to thy divine precepts.
We ask this in thy most holy and precious name. Amen.
Or . . .
Dear Heavenly Father we give thanks to you for the many
blessings we receive; more especially for this day as Dave and
Taylor make their vows to each other. They have shared their
hopes and dreams with us and we pray that you bless this
marriage with your love. Be with them, Lord, as they begin
their journey into the future as a family. And as memory
fades with time, let them be mindful of the sacred vows they
shared here today and renew them by your divine wisdom. Let
them be enlightened by your strength. Let them be enabled by
the beauty of your holiness. Let them know love in its purest
form. May your face shine down on this family, that they may
walk in your light. Here. Now. And forever.
We ask this in thy most holy and precious name.
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