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This is a short story about how it is to be a skateboarder where i live while not having anywhere to skate, nothing is being done about the fact that skateboarders have no where to skate.
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Skateboarding is not a crime
By: Darkvissions
Isn't it funny how many people complain about
skateboarders and where they come and go but yet don't
want to give them a place to skate? Many home owners where i
live complain all the time about skateboarders. They complain
that they are always around the neighborhood, on others
property, and skateboarding in places they are not supposed
to. Homeowners complain so much about skateboards yet they
haven't thought to do anything about the whole problem.
To fix this problem with skateboarders and homeowners is to
have a skate park built in the neighborhood.
First off skateboarding has became very popular in my
neighborhood. Its gotten so popular that most skateboarders
have to skateboard at the tennis and basketball courts, even
though these courts have been torn up and destroyed for the
past several years. Building a skate park in the neighborhood
could solve many problems. One being a place for people to
skate and homeowners that are happy to not see anyone on there
property. In the end everyone would win and both sides would
be happy.
Over time more and more skateboarders and home owners had
became more angry. With the fact that skateboarders have still
no where to skate and homeowners still having people skate on
there property the H.O.A had came to a conclusion. They came
up with the idea of having a neighborhood vote on if there
should be a skate park built or not. To everyone's
surprise the vote had came out to be for the skate park being
built in the neighborhood. Since so many homeowners had
complained about skateboarders so much the H.O.A decided to
build a police station to minimize the problem. Sadly the
problem still isn't solved because skateboarders are
still skateboarding on property and people are still angry for
them doing so. However another shocking event was that even
though the vote was for the skate park it still was not built.
Since the skate park looks as though it isn't going to be
built anytime soon then the problem still is going to be
present. Homeowners are going to still be very angry at the
fact that people are skateboarding around there property and
skateboarders are also going to be angry because there is
nowhere for them to skateboard. All of these events
haven't solved anything but having more conflict arising
since there is now a police station built to stop
skateboarders and crime. Homeowners will still be angry at
skateboarders for skating and skateboarders will still have
nowhere to skate and also will only be getting in trouble for
doing so since there isn't anywhere for them to skate.
Until a skate park is built for skateboarders to skate in,
homeowners will continue to be angry, skateboarders will now
start to get in trouble for skating, and no one side will be
happy at all.
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Founded by Steve & Judy