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Me vs Math
By: jboogey
I hated math. It was my weakest subject. I knew the basics,
but I thought math was the dumbest subject ever. Every time
any one of my math teachers would tell our class in high
school that we were about to take a test or quiz I would
panic and second guess my ability that I didn’t know I
had in me. I never did like math and I can really and truly
say that there was only one teacher who made me start liking
math. I would barley pass. My average grade was always a C.
Then, two years ago it all started my junior year in high
school. A teacher changed my attitude towards math. Her name
was Ms. Little, and it was her first year at my school, so I
was lucky to get her as my math teacher. The first day of
school she noticed that I was struggling with problems in
class so she asked me to stay after school. I didn’t
really want to because I didn’t care, but she made sure
I was there as soon as I was about to get on my bus to go home
and enjoy the bed. Out of nowhere I felt a tap on my shoulder,
it was my teacher. She asked me don’t you have somewhere
to be Jaron? I lied. I told her I forgot all about it. She
smiled and said well I didn’t. That day we worked on
about fifty problems.
They were all same thing over and over. I was angry that this
was how I had to spend my time after school. I didn’t
realize that this was going to help me in the long run. The
problems that she and I worked on were the same exact problems
that were on the quiz that Friday. As I turned in my test to
her I smiled, and said thank you. I ended up getting 100% on
my quiz. This was only the beginning of how she changed my
mind set.
Every day we had school she would ask me to stay and work on
problems. Until I was up at the board doing any problem she
threw at me. I went to her class after school until I
graduated from high school. They were some boring times but it
was all worth it and I owe to her for helping me out, and me
being able to understanding math a lot better. My senior year,
I didn’t have her as my teacher, which I thought was
going to be a problem. I thought I wasn’t going to be
able to pass the class, but she was always there to help me
when I needed some extra help before quizzes, test, and
homework. I never struggled with math again and I owe it all
to my teacher Ms. Little. Math was my second favorite subject
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