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Happy to Work
By: Jon
Happy to work
By Jonathan Sanders
On May 25, 2014 I got hired by the Silver Diner in
Waldorf. It was my greatest accomplishment of my young life,
next to me graduating and getting my driver’s license
but I will explain another time. Throughout my high junior and
senior year I was look for a job. Finally at the end of my
senior year near graduation, the Silver Diner called me be
back to schedule an interview. So I knew I had to dress up for
success. Then after 3 interviews Mr. Freddy, the general
manager, offers me the soda position (includes making
milkshakes)but originally I applied for host but I said
I’ill take it.
Two weeks after I got hired my training starts. This day
also happened to be the day of graduation, and my
mother’s birthday. After a few weeks of training, I took
a test to become certified to make milkshakes, and passed it
with flying colors. Mr. Freddy announced my accomplishment the
whole diner that I the first person to be certified at my
location to make milkshakes. Two days after I became
certified, The Silver Diner opened up for the first time in
Waldorf and I was so excited and filled with joy.
Three months after we opened I’m still excited and
I’m also training for a new position called expo. Expo
is a person who is in charge of organizing the food from the
kitchen and sending it to the guest. Which I believe is one of
the most important positions that we have at the Sliver Diner.
I am also trying to learn every position that is offered at my
job except for the kitchen positions. They depend on my skills
of knowing my job and being efficient at work. I am like,
“The Lebron James of the Silver Diner.” Just
knowing that a lot of people depend on me at work gives me
happiness and strength I need to go throughout my day. Knowing
that I a have a job, I am more independent, and I am being a
responsible adult makes me happy.
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