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Stress In Teens Life
By: Sns8
Teens go through a lot during their teenage years. They have
the struggle of trying to fit in, having the best clothes,
relationships, and also friends. They feel like if they
don’t have the right clothes they won’t be
accepted and then won’t have any friends. One thing that
all teens go through is stress. Wanting to be the best and
fitting in causes stress. It is also caused by school. Schools
expect a lot from teens. They demand you to be in class on
time even when the hallways are really crowded and your class
is on the opposite side, follow the rules, do your homework,
and turn your work in on time. Not only is it from just one
teacher it’s from all of the teachers. Most teens in
high school either have around four to eight classes, which
mean you double that amount of stress for each class they
take. Trying to deal with stress is a complicated thing to do.
It is not easy to prevent, and it is not good to just let
stress stay in your life. When you are starting to feel
overwhelmed there are techniques you can try to stop it from
getting bad. When you are trying to do your homework that is
due the next day and you are not sure how to do it and it is
starting to make you mad, just walk away and take a break.
When you have gotten your mind off of it for a while, then
come back to it and try again. When you feel like you have too
many things to do and not enough time, don’t worry.
Worrying will just cause more stress. Instead of worrying
maybe spend some time organizing your schedule to find more
time. Get a calendar or planner, make a list and write down
what things you will be doing at certain times so you will not
worry if you have time or not. All of these things can also
lead to anxiety. Test anxiety is where you don’t do well
on test, even when you study a lot for it, from stressing and
worrying about how you will do on it or thinking you can never
pass it no matter how much you study. Being positive about it
and believing in yourself may help with the test anxieties.
Stress is not a good thing to have in your life. It can make
you sick or make you start feeling depressed. Stress can
actually kill you as well. When teens experience stress it is
hard for a lot of them to deal with it. Some teens think the
only way to deal with stress is to commit suicide. Suicide is
the 3rd leading cause of death in people ages 10-24. Instead
of seeking help, they feel no one can help them and it’s
not worth trying anymore so they think it’s the only
answer. Some deal with stress by cutting their bodies as a way
to handle it. When there’s a lot going on in their lives
some would just rather keep it to their self instead of
talking to someone about it and getting advice from someone to
help them through it. It is important for friends and
families to watch out for the results of stress like
depression and act on it instead of thinking it will go away.
Stress is nothing to play around with it can be really
serious. Teens do go through a lot in their teen age years and
trying to not get so stressed over things could help them lead
a life with less anxieties.
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