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Writer Notes
I threw this down for a quick grade last night. I know it's not the best, but I hope the teacher can tell that I actually read the book. I guess I just want you guys to tell me if it shows that I actually read the book.
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Gatsby: A Book Report
By: alice17
Gatsby's American dream is about returning to a simpler
time, a period in which he first met Daisy Buchanan during
World War I. But the dream also represents America itself,
and how the war had changed everything. People suddenly had a
lot of money. They had lost their innocence, their morality.
And the pleasures of partying were all anyone seemed to care
about anymore.
The large billboard, with the advertisement for Doctor
T.J. Echleburg, displayed a large pair of eyeglasses. This
image serves as a representation of God watching over the
decline of moral society, of common decency.
There is a great irony in that Gatsby has dreamed of a more
innocent time, all the while he has earned all his money
through crime, and is now cheating with a married woman. His
hypocracy is throwing parties while not attending them. In
other words, using immorality to find Daisy, using indecency
to return to a time of decency.
East Egg is where the "old money" exists, with its laws
and standards. West Egg is "new money", where both classes
converge to further demonstrate the ruinous immorality on
society and America as a whole.
Nick is the only one who seems to notice what Gatsby is
really after, and he does this with admiration and sympathy
for Gatsby. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald does not want us
to miss this point. He writes that Nick yells across the lawn
to Gatsby: "They are a rotten crowd. You're worth the
whole damn bunch put together." This is because Gatsby
represents the hopes and wishes for the true American dream,
which now seems forever lost to all.
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