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Writer Notes
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Listen to the Reader
By: penman
Well, it's finally happened. I've totally given up
on the world and Homo sapiens. Try as I may, I can't
find enough "good" to balance the horrible evil which seems to
be inseparable from the "human condition".
I'd really like to be an optimist, but I have to be
honest with myself and to admit that nothing's going to
change for us. None of the major areas of our earthly
experience seems to be salvageable. For instance:
We simply WON'T stop finding reasons to kill one
another! That's true in our town and cities and in our
nations. I have to conclude that we must ENJOY acting like
wild animals towards each other. Why else would we never give
up going to war? I'd blame it on corrupt leaders or
greed for power, but then I realize that the "scale " of our
viciousness includes every group of people from the
neighborhood "gangs" to the largest nation states! We just
think and act like killers, and that depressing fact has never
ever changed.
We use all sorts of excuses for becoming animals. Race,
religion, language, and national borders are some of our
favorite reasons for attacking our fellow humans, but any
excuse will do. No conclusion is possible except that we ARE
animals, and are vastly more dangerous than tigers or great
white sharks because we're smarter! That accident of
evolution allows us to be really efficient and effective when
we carry out our "natural" instincts to kill our fellow man.
We can't overcome nature.
The world is becoming more dangerous for our species as
our population grows and our weapons improve. We have the
means to destroy our environment, and have invented the
motivation to make ourselves extinct rather soon now,. After
all, given our history and unchangeable natures, it was always
inevitable that we should take the final step on our long and
bloody careers as killers. We will become out own final
Of course we are builders and artists and creators of
great beauty. But nothing that we build can withstand our
terrible drives to destroy things! What good is genius if we
use it to invent hydrogen bombs? We have always carried the
seeds of our own destruction in our blueprints, and the time
for our ultimate destruction is almost here.
I understand how amazingly lucky I am to be living where I
live and in my time. I know that the average human lives in
conditions that absolutely horrify me, and that my
comfortable life would be the envy of at least 70% of the
world's population. I don't slave in a rice paddy
or go hungry every day. I have great medical care and every
day is a holiday for me. I now that the Emperors of ancient
times lived in conditions that would make me shudder if I had
to endure what they accepted as lives of luxury. And this is
the last time period in which my wold will be able to offer
anyone in my species a life on Leisure Drive!
I really don't feel sad to know the truth that
humanity is nearing the end of its time on this planet. We
deserve no better, and maybe in a few thousand years another
dominant species will emerge here and will be more successful
than we were. This is actually a very nice place to live and
I hope the next tenants appreciate that fact.
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