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Writer Notes
We all have our own collections of personal boxes that we carry with us, from move to move, our little moments of life all packed away. I just thought I'd say a few words on how we feel about them.
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By: Dasmeer
Some years ago, I had the sad duty of packing up the souvenirs
of my mother’s long and well-spent lifetime. My Da kept
a few small tokens, treasures to say the least, the rest being
distributed between other family and friends. All in all there
remained a small box of ”specials” that I lovingly
retired to the top of my closet, an appropriate place.
Having been a gypsy most of my life, moving often, I
understand well the need for boxes to be opened occasionally,
touched, smelled, capturing the memories of old yet familiar
nuances representing that particular loved one.
Free spirit that I am, I still was the one chosen to
participate in many of these undertakings both with immediate
family and, later, dear friends.
Throughout our lives, we tend to collect the things that
represent our identity, comforting ourselves with objects only
to start the purge so that others will remember us with those
exact same thoughts. My boxes were many and varied,
containing more and more of the dwindling population that was
of my world.
My Da came to move to his next destination, joining the
love of his life, and again we gathered for his
Years have passed, life has evolved, there are many more
boxes to move about, think on, remember fondly. I have decided
to distribute them, a necessary action for one so private.
There are now three boxes, Mom’s, Da’s and
mine. These will be given to the oldest child. Whether they
are kept does not matter. My job is complete. The boxes are
ready, the cycle continues.
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