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a poem about my thoughts on the afterlife hope you enjoy it.
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The Afterlife
By: McPimpy
there is something always bothering me
is there an after life
or is it just a curiosity
i try my best to get these thoughts out of my head
but they worm their way back in
i go to these extreme lengths
but these thoughts always win
the way i see it now
if there is an after life i dont care
i just want my life to end in a bang
go to the afterlife holding a weapon in my hand
the way i see it is
if there is an afterlife
i want it to be Valhalla
its the best choice
but the after life is unpredictable
we may go to hell
or we may go to our choice
either way we're all screwed in the end
we live our lives to the end
and we die the way we lived
you live in anger
you die an angry death
you live in happiness
you die in a peaceful death
no one know what the after life is
but i can promise you
the way you live dictates it
so live you life to the fullest
and smile while you can
or your immortal soul just might be damned.
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Founded by Steve & Judy
Great poem. This really made me feel something.